L.I.F.E. – Tue, Dec 3
AnnouncementsHOLLIDAY GYM PARTY: Christmas Party!!Friday December 6th at 6:30 pm at the gym!Wear an ugly sweater if you have one!!We will supply the meat for the event but we will need you to supply sides [...]
AnnouncementsHOLLIDAY GYM PARTY: Christmas Party!!Friday December 6th at 6:30 pm at the gym!Wear an ugly sweater if you have one!!We will supply the meat for the event but we will need you to supply sides [...]
AnnouncementsHOLLIDAY GYM PARTY: Christmas Party!!Friday December 6th at 6:30 pm at the gym!Wear an ugly sweater if you have one!!We will supply the meat for the event but we will need you to supply sides [...]
AnnouncementsHOLLIDAY GYM PARTY: Christmas Party!!Friday December 6th at 6:30 pm at the gym!Wear an ugly sweater if you have one!!We will supply the meat for the event but we will need you to supply sides [...]
AnnouncementsHOLLIDAY GYM PARTY: Christmas Party!!Friday December 6th at 6:30 pm at the gym!Wear an ugly sweater if you have one!!We will supply the meat for the event but we will need you to supply sides [...]
AnnouncementsHOLLIDAY GYM PARTY: The evening of Friday December 6th! Save the date.CrossFit FC East - Burgener Strength (Oly)View Public Whiteboard () ()Warm Up (No Measure)1. Crossover Symmetry Activation Plus OR Banded 7s - perform 7 [...]
AnnouncementsHOLLIDAY GYM PARTY: The evening of Friday December 6th! Save the date.CrossFit FC East - BodybuildingView Public Whiteboard ()Bodybuilding RPE ScaleRPE 1-3 || This should be a weight that an athlete can move with ease [...]
AnnouncementsHOLLIDAY GYM PARTY: The evening of Friday December 6th! Save the date.CrossFit FC East - L.I.F.E.View Public WhiteboardWarm-up 8:00 Amrap :30 Ski or Row :30 Bike Erg or Air Bike 3 Sandbag Deadlift or Double [...]
AnnouncementsHOLLIDAY GYM PARTY: The evening of Friday December 6th! Save the date.CrossFit FC East - BodybuildingView Public WhiteboardFunctional Pump (Shoulders & Arms) (Checkmark)INSTRUCTIONS! Do NOT do this session with the rest of the bodybuilding track. [...]
AnnouncementsHOLLIDAY GYM PARTY: The evening of Friday December 6th! Save the date.CrossFit FC East - L.I.F.E.View Public WhiteboardWarm-up 2 Rounds :30 Bike Erg or Air Bike 5 PVC Pass Throughs/Around World r/l 5 PVC Good [...]
AnnouncementsHOLLIDAY GYM PARTY: The evening of Friday December 6th! Save the date.CrossFit FC East - BodybuildingView Public Whiteboard ()Thursday Overview (No Measure)Thursdays in Mayhem Bodybuilding normally include a monostructural (cardio) section and a metabolic conditioning [...]