Performance Member of the Month May 2021
Karen Lechtenburg We chose Karen because she always shows up bright and early and is consistent and driven. She and her husband, Nate, encourage their boys to workout and be the healthiest version of themselves. [...]
Performance Member of the Month April 2021
Lisa Van Gerpen We nominated Lisa for a number of reasons. Since joining the gym a year and half ago she’s worked hard to increase her strength and has valued learning technique first. She’s [...]
The Importance of Breakfast
There's a reason we chose to do a #healthybreakfast point during out QuaranTeams Challenge. We've often heard it said, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," and there is some truth to that. [...]
Core Stability
Have you ever noticed that we don’t do tons of “core” workouts? It’s something that I hear every now again, “We should do more core! Can you program more core workouts? Can we do more [...]
Handstand Walk Progression
Step 1: Nose-to-wall holds When you climb up (AKA a “wall walk”) try holding a handstand where only your nose and your toes are touching the wall. This will naturally keep you in a stronger [...]
Performance Member of the Month March 2021
Andy Kibler Tell us a little about yourself, what do you do for a living, members of your family, do you have any pets (include anything else you see fit!)? I am from West Virginia [...]
Would You Rather: Get a New PR or Improve Technique?
We all love getting new PR’s. Whether it’s a heavier 1 rep max, a faster Grace time, or being able to run further distances, PR’s are tangible and definitive markers of improvement that make us [...]