
Bring a friend day for the first quarter is Saturday March 23rd at 8AM! There is a spot on the whiteboard for you to put your name down and the friend that you’re bringing! We love helping you reach your goals and want to help your family and friends do the same thing!

CrossFit FC East – L.I.F.E.

View Public Whiteboard


8 mins Amrap

6 Cal row

6 air squats

6 light dball over shoulder

:15 sec bar hang

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3 sets

6 mins

15/12 Cal Row

12 Dball Over Shoulder

9 Hanging Knee Raises

Rest 2 min btw sets

Score is rounds and reps from the last set


Cool Down

Hop on a bike 2-3 mins


each side

1 min calf stretch on wall/rig

1 min twisted cross

1 min couch stretch