Frontier Fitness SF East, Frontier Fitness SF West – Mayhem Bodybuilding

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Warm-up (No Measure)

Upper Body Anterior (Chest & Bicep) Warm-up

Workout Definition

Crossover Symmetry Warmup


3 rounds

10 Perfect Pushups (controlled form)

15 band pull-a-parts

5 PVC Around the Worlds (each way)

10 wall angels

5 scorpions (each side)

Bench Press

5 sets: 3 reps

*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets

* Warm up and keep the same weight across all 5 sets. The sets should be at 9/10 RPE.

Reverse Grip Barbell Bench Press

4 sets: 10 reps

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same or build across all sets.

1:1:2 Incline DB Bench

4 sets: 10 reps

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same or build across all sets.

Flat Bench DB Chest Fly

4 sets: 12 reps

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same or build across all sets.

Ring Curls

4 sets: 10 reps

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same or build across all sets.

Standing KB Crush Grip Bicep Curl

Focus: In a standing position, take a KB and grasp it between both hands around the bell portion (not the handles). Palms will be facing each other on either side of the bell. Be mindful of the positioning of the handles so they don’t hit the face. Curl the KB up and then lower, stopping just before tension is lost in the biceps.
4 sets: 10 reps

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same or build across all sets.

Warm-up (No Measure)


Workout Definition

1 min pec stretch against door/rig

1 min lacrosse ball pec smash (each side)

1 min overhead elbow grab tricep stretch (each side)

1 min bicep wall stretch (each side)