CrossFit FC East – L.I.F.E.

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Hip Halo Warm-Up + Crossover Symmetry or Banded 7s


3 sets

10 Suitcase Deadlifts (each)

5/5 Single Arm Kettlebell Clean and Jerks (light, practice) *Use Dumbbells if needed

10 Sit Ups

Metcon (Calories)

24:00 AMRAP

Max Calories on Bike Erg or Air Bike

*Every 3:00 starting at 0:00 (8 Rounds total)

10 KB Sumo DL High Pulls

10 KB Hang Clean and Jerks (5/5)

The score is total cals on the Bike


Bike/Walk 2:00


Couch Stretch

Pigeon Pose