CrossFit FC East – L.I.F.E.

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2 Rounds

:30 Ski Erg or Row

6 Wall Ball Thrusters

3 Inchworms

6 PVC Pass Throughs/Around the Worlds

3 Step Back Lunges/side

6 Floor Plate Press

3 Dead Bugs/side

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3 Rounds

3:00 AMRAP

9 Wall Balls

6 Wall Ball Sit Ups

3 Burpee + Jump or Step Over Wall Ball

-Rest 2:00-

3:00 AMRAP

12/9 Cal Ski Erg or Row

9 Push Ups

20 foot Walking Lunge down and back (40 feet total)

-Rest 2:00-


Bike/Walk 2:00


Arm on Rig, turn away – Stretch Chest, Tricep, Shoulder

Standing Quad, Hamstring, Calf